Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It was an accident

Ruby was lovely this morning, we went to the botanical gardens with a friend and We were full of the joys of spring when we got home ( which may partly account for what happened next). Over lunch Ruby got dressed up in her long ballet skirt and started spinning urgently requesting 'some ballet music mummy'. So I turned on Classic FM, as you do, that was when it all started. It was lunch time requests. I suddenly became possessed by a strange spirit of adventure and did something I have never done before and made an online request. Thinking that was all I had to do that was ok. Well sure only until they ring back! (canny so and so's ask for your phone number when you request), and the next thing I know I am on national radio talking about shepherds pie and requesting swan lake music. I was mildly traumatised to say the least ( I hate to hear my own voice, I sound like an old man with a cold) but I am sure I will get over it. Ruby needless to say danced for ages to classic FM but when the request actually came on was too obsessed by the washing up to dance to it.

And the moral of the story is. When the spirit of adventure takes hold and you decide to go with it then you have to be prepared for the consequences however mundane the adventure may have seemed at first it can be worse than you think.


Shaw Family said...

Hahahahahaha! Wow! You spoke on the radio!!

C&C said...

Cindy sometimes listens to Classic FM (through the internet) when studying. When you get over the trauma, maybe you could call up again and make a request for her! 'Rachmaninov' would be good (husband wonders who the heck he is!)