Sunday, May 13, 2007

First Shoes

Yesterday Coralie was treated to her first pair of shoes by her grandad. She absolutely loves walking around in them. This weekend Coralie has progressed from 3 or 4 steps to 20 + consecutive steps and this transformation happened as soon as she put her new shoes on for the first time.


C&C said...

Nice action shots of Coralie. You should do a video for the full effect.

Hannah really wants to stand and walk...but it is just too early. At least she has figured out how to crawl, so she doesn't get so frustrated with not being mobile.

Sometimes she manages to stand up in her cot (clinging on to the rails) and squeals with delight at her success... only to start crying after 3 or 4 minutes when she realises she is still standing and doesn't know how to sit down without falling!!! Poor thing.

Sorry, a bit obsessed with my daughter. Back to Coralie. Are they 'proper' shoes? And are they expensive in the UK? It is frightening when you see how much children's shoes cost - knowing they will grow out of them in a matter of months...

Brian & Chloe said...

they are crawler shoes, not totaly hard soled yet. BUt I felt she need ed something as she is alway wanting to walk outside and be like her big sister now. Yes they are expensive, especially as childrens shoes are not supposed to have VAT. I spend much more on thier shoes than I do on mine.

Bri got it slightly wrong, she was walking for a day or two before we got teh shoes, but i have to say beint at my mams where there is loads of space to run around has helped a lot.

I cant wait to see Hannah some day wherever that may be. I cant help being obsessed by my two either, I think it is ment to be that way. Frustartion is a terrible thing, Coralie gets so frustrated she cant talk proppely and communicate well it leads to some mighty strops. She is so proud of hersself walking though.

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of Coralie walking in her new shoes - especially the way her tongue is sticking out!

You'll have to send her round to give Lola some lessons...