Monday, April 30, 2007

At the moment everything has to be pink as far as Ruby is concerned. No other colour will do. So you can imagine how happy she is with her new pink bike. Her parents are also happy with the bike as it was bought for the bargain price of £7 from the Fulwood Church Playgroup sale. She loves taking the bike to the park, but she has not quite learnt how to peddle properly. The bike also has a little seat on the back so that dolly can go for bike rides with her.
After Sunday afternoon's bike ride we went home for a pink dinner. Pink ham, followed by pink milky jelly (surprisingly good, just substitute evaporated milk for half of the water and whisk) and Ruby loved it and ate everything up. Maybe we should colour the rest of our meals with pink food colouring. Coralie also enjoyed the pink milky jelly, so much so her face went pink in her desperation to reach out for seconds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome pics. love the bike and coralie tryin to grab the pud. seeya soon sis x