Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Last week

Well last week was VERY exciting. I got to go out in the evenings loads (thank you thank you thank you mum for sitting in). Like never before, in fact possibly more than in my pre motherhood days. Its quite good fun isn't it?

The River Cafe was of course fantastic. I don't expect I will ever go again but it was just lovely, pity I couldn't have any of the lovely wine, but the food was scrumptious (pork and tuna thing for starters, pigeon for mains, and a lemon tart that i have to admit was better than the one I made last week).

I got to go to the theatre courtesy of my lovely sister. A fab night out, although getting to the venue i did feel like Sammy country mouse going to visit Johnny town mouse. I have been away from London so long, it feels very foreign to me and i had to keep asking where i was!

The Nigerian wedding (congratulation Wole and Elizabeth) was great too. Lots of dancing and singing, the best bit was when the bridesmaids and groomsmen (including an none Nigerian friend of mine from university) had to dance their way into the reception.

The girls had their first real train experience. In fact a total of four trains that day when we we went to visit Naomi and Joel (me and two toddlers on the train for and hour each way!! I hope you are impressed). Ruby predictably wanted to paint the train pink and was most disappointed that it was yellow.

The list goes on......and now, back to life.....which is OK, nothing special but nice.

1 comment:

Shaw Family said...

Sounds like you had a good week!!!
Mmmm... what does pidgeon taste like? I have never tried it before.