Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ruby and Robin

Got stuck in the toilet together! Maybe you had to be there but it was so funny (if a little alarming too). Location, Jessops maternity hospital. On our way out Ruby and I in need of the ladies. Robin came to. Robin in the cubicle next door, Ruby finished I let her down and no sooner had I done so but she skipped of to join Robin thump, clunk, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle. They had only decided to lock themselves in the toilet together.

A wave of panic swept over me, calm down, calm down. I called for Bea waiting outside. Well it was all OK, the fire brigade did not have to be called they did manage to unlock the door after a bit more chuckling and a bit of cajoling by Bea. But for one moment I could see it turning into a slightly embarrassing moment.

Oh and Congratulations the Lawrensons. Joseph was gorgeous (we were there to visit a friend before anyone gets any ideas!) if a we bit small (6 weeks early but doing great by the sounds).


Shaw Family said...

Ruby must be taking after her Dad. When Brian was about 3 he locked himself in the house and I was outside and couldn't get in! I had to give him instructions to get a chair or stool to climb on so that he could let me in. The neighbour was also helping! love Mum

Anonymous said...

good times! shame jos and coralie weren't in there two - we could have left them to it and had a few minutes peace and quiet!