Saturday, October 06, 2007


Since taking the house off the market a certain air of urgent sorting out has taken over this household (perhaps its early nesting or just plain venting of frustrations). Each weekend sees the attempted taming of another problem area. Today was the turn of the wild and jungle like pantry. We have done our best (you can now walk into it) and some interesting finds were made.


1kg dried cannellini beans (interesting cannellini bean recipes eagerly desired)

Brown long grain rice
Italian rice
pudding rice
sushi rice
Thai jasmine rice
express rice
large sack of basmalti rice
risotto rice

Now, I challenge you to go through your cupboards and see how many types of rice you can come up with. Now by the way i can say that with the exception of the express rice and the sushi rice we use all of these on a reasonably regular basis but it is any wonder we find it hard to keep on top of the storage, and that is before we get to the 6 flours and 7 types of dried pulses!! Yikes I am sure life should be simpler. The pantry will be an ongoing nightmare i can tell. Next week is the turn of 'the shelf' and 'the loft' that should be fun.


C&C said...

So how often DO you eat rice???

Brian & Chloe said...

not as often as you i shouldent think 2-3 times a week. But poatoes are yummy too!what about you?

Han said...

Rice and Beans for dinner for the next month then? Very latino - yummmmmm.

I find it helps if you only have room for one tiny bag of rice in your kitchen.


Anonymous said...

I use dried cannelini beans to make a chorizo stew (my version of asturian fabada) - I'll have to give you the recipe!