Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I did it!
And I actually enjoyed some of it. The lessons on plants are over, phew now I might be able to think about something else, and I actually enjoyed it ish. There have been complaints that photos of the girls are lacking so I will try and find one to remedy that right now.

Ruby Just loves that museum, perhaps I will apply for that job I saw there and she can visit me at work, Cant say fairer than that.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

mmmmm Jelly and cream. I had forgotten.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ruby and Robin

Got stuck in the toilet together! Maybe you had to be there but it was so funny (if a little alarming too). Location, Jessops maternity hospital. On our way out Ruby and I in need of the ladies. Robin came to. Robin in the cubicle next door, Ruby finished I let her down and no sooner had I done so but she skipped of to join Robin thump, clunk, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle. They had only decided to lock themselves in the toilet together.

A wave of panic swept over me, calm down, calm down. I called for Bea waiting outside. Well it was all OK, the fire brigade did not have to be called they did manage to unlock the door after a bit more chuckling and a bit of cajoling by Bea. But for one moment I could see it turning into a slightly embarrassing moment.

Oh and Congratulations the Lawrensons. Joseph was gorgeous (we were there to visit a friend before anyone gets any ideas!) if a we bit small (6 weeks early but doing great by the sounds).

Saturday, February 17, 2007

One year on
Well one year on, Coralie is one! And gorgeous. I was at work, so we didn't do so much, but it was lovely anyway.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Mozart, Mahler and Halle

I have just had the most amazing experience and I am going to have to write it down so I don't forget. Colin took me to see the Halle orchestra at the city hall.and It was just incredible. I did however leave with more questions than I would have thought possible and found watching the music very distracting because I kept thinking of things I needed to know but didn't. Just listening to music I think I would have heard more of the music and far less of the clutter of the mind. I should have taken a blindfold. Bear in mind these are the thoughts of a person who normally turns music off as clutter and has the musical abilities of a deaf jellyfish.

Some of my thoughts and questions, If you have the answers please let me know:

Do conductors have marshmallows underneath their armpits?
How brave female musicians are wearing armless clothes in front of an audience. But I guess they all have great arms cos they have to work them so much.
Can left handed people play the violin, if so do they play it in the other arm and if they do can they play sitting next to a right handed violin player or would it get nasty?
Mozart is a bit frilly, Mahler is amazing
How the big copper drum player just looked like a musician, he could have been nothing else, how did he manage to tune it while the orchestra was playing and he was sitting in the middle of them?
How come musicians are not ever fat?
That I still think violins are squeaky and a bit irritating but they were very good
How mysterious musicians are
Do violinist get RSI?

It was amazing how when the mood of the music changed instead of listening to the music I would end up thinking about something in my life that reflected the mood of the music at that point. this never happens when I listen on the radio it was most distracting, I will have to listen to it again without watching it to actually hear the music.

Oh I cant remember all the questions, I have to go back to my first day on the wards for a year tomorrow so I have to go to bed now. I am cutting into sleeping time by reliving my experience my nagging husband keeps reminding me. Goodnight.

this UNICEF report thing is very interesting

I really must get rid of the cats before Ruby learns too many swear words. Poor cats.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Look what I made!

OK they are not identical, that will be sorted out, I had to reshape the second glove when i realised I had not made the thunb big enough. They are for Ruby who hates to have cold hands. If you haven't already you should get hold of the Guardian craft guide from the other weekend. I can see our next girls night taking on a distinctly creative theme.

Ruby loves wearing the gloves, but she calls them her oven gloves!
Oh no, I am going to have to tell her its not true!

We went for a lovely walk today and got lost in the disused allotment at the bottom of the road. There were gates standing there with numbers on with no wall attached like standing stones, derelict buildings, crumbling glasshouses. The hedges were grown tall and sticky forming an arch over our heads at all times. It was very overgrown. We learned names of holly (she calls it polly), ivy, moss, fern and fungus. There was a stream that traveled underground and popped up every now and then on or by our path to form a pool. It was by one of the pools I made a big mistake. The setting was quite magical really, the whole place has a surreal feel of forgotten and crumbly, there where roots of trees creating dark hollow and the polls edge and arcing over us and the water. I said this was where the fairies came out to dance at night, oops. Now she was so upset that we did not see a fairy it was all she could talk about from then on. Now I am going to have to tell her it is not true and It will ruin everything.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fun in the Snow

This year Ruby is a bit less scared of the snow, a little cautious initially but now seems to embrace it. She was very happy holding Coralie on her knee and being pulled along, they are so gorgeous. I took them out yesterday and today Brian took them while I was out at the Spa (lucky me). We have even had Skiers walking past the house on the way to the park.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Jack of all trades

Well I have joined the nursing agency (goodbye family weekends) , I am going to become a pampered chef sales person (So any of you who read this in Sheffield surrounding area and would like a show please let me know as I need an initial six to get started and so far have only two possibilities so far). And my story is just about ready to be sent to publishers, how exciting. So I feel quite industrious at the moment oh yes and there are still those lesson at the end of February, so I am a teacher too. And last but most importantly I am mum. Variety is exciting I guess.

Does anyone know how to put tape recordings onto the computer, we have something special for some of you to listen too but need to get it off the tape.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Now you see me

Now you don't

She just loves this game. And the pink hat is rather fetching isn't it. I wish I could put up a recording of the dirty old mans laugh she does at the same time.