Monday, April 30, 2007

At the moment everything has to be pink as far as Ruby is concerned. No other colour will do. So you can imagine how happy she is with her new pink bike. Her parents are also happy with the bike as it was bought for the bargain price of £7 from the Fulwood Church Playgroup sale. She loves taking the bike to the park, but she has not quite learnt how to peddle properly. The bike also has a little seat on the back so that dolly can go for bike rides with her.
After Sunday afternoon's bike ride we went home for a pink dinner. Pink ham, followed by pink milky jelly (surprisingly good, just substitute evaporated milk for half of the water and whisk) and Ruby loved it and ate everything up. Maybe we should colour the rest of our meals with pink food colouring. Coralie also enjoyed the pink milky jelly, so much so her face went pink in her desperation to reach out for seconds.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

This morning there was a monster in the bath! No kidding. It had eight eyes. We brought Ruby to see the monster and she was well impressed. However when asked if she liked him she replied 'no I like pink incy wincy'. Well that says it all really. If she going to like at the moment its got to be pink (no encouragement form me I hasten to add). I shall have to find one...Well I have found a pink toed bird eating spider, but the best I have come up with so far is this, the purple bloom bird eating spider. Ha ha ha i will have see what she thinks of that in the morning! The one below is the found in the bath. If you enlarge the photo by clicking on it then you can see the hairs on its legs and its eyes shining on its head, lovely.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A day of firsts

My first day using a rotavator. Great, very addictive extremely satisfying and effective. Much easier than the alternative.

The first time we used our new camera. Having lots of fun, there will be some photos to follow.

AND most importantly, drum roll please, Coralies' First steps! she was just about to go to bed then she just let go, aiming for a pot of sudocrem, three steps the first time. Witnessed by my mother and I. Then Brian arrived on the scene and she took another four (twice) it was so lovely. we were all clapping but she didn't know what she had done and just gave us a marvelous grin as if to say what are you clapping about. Ruby of course had to show us she could walk two steps too and did a queer little shuffle, for which she also got a clap. We shall have to see what happens tomorrow perhaps she will have forgotten all about it.

Now some photos , just because we can.... a shadow on the wall,
now some of you will have seen another picture rather like this!I have a thing for hairy plants and I was given this blue poppy today by mum. Just look how hairy it is. Looks itchy. reminds me of caterpillars . I love it.
A Ranunculus flowerBy the way. By next Monday evening our old mobile phone numbers will be restored to use. So if you feel like calling us next Monday that would be great so we have your number on our newish phones. Ta.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

this and that

Well We did have some lovely pictures for you all to see. However, owing to an unfortunate incident on Wednesday night, when there were uninvited guests roaming round our downstairs in the middle of the night. We no longer have the camera or the pictures to show you.

Easter has been great, very Eastery this year. Its funny when you are not really used to having bank holidays, then you suddenly start having them and being off at the same time as most other people, you suddenly realise just how much you have been missing out on. they are great. Good weather helps I suppose. But they really do make you feel good. We have been very Eastery this year. Our Easter tree is quite nostalgic for me. We made home made hot crossed buns, an Easter bonnet and even had a roast lamb supper and popped a bottle of champagne with friends to celebrate the Rising of Jesus! To say I am not normally in favour of making events of events it all feel quite well celebrated. Nice. Next year we will do an egg hunt too.

Well done to Harry who celebrated his birthday yesterday by organising a minor event in the city of London. I love the pictures. are you doing it next year?

Have had my first rejection of my manuscript. To be expected, but I was impressed that they actually replied (and very promptly) to be truthful. Thank you Anderson press for replying. I had better send off a few more and get writing the next one, I feel my creative juices bubbling away at present and they need an outlet. It must be not nursing that makes them bubble. My theory is that nursing is directly opposed to creative juices.

Looking forward to having Brian at home again tomorrow, hooray!